Source code for lookmlgen.base_generator

    File name:
    Author: joeschmid
    Date created: 4/8/17
import abc
import six

    """# STOP! This file was generated by an automated process.
# Any edits you make will be lost the next time it is
# re-generated.\n"""

[docs]class GeneratorFormatOptions(object): """Specify formatting options to be used during LookML generation :param indent_spaces: Number of spaces to indent :param newline_between_items: Add a newline between items :param omit_default_field_type: Leave out 'type: string' :param warning_header_comment: Text to use as a comment as the top of the file warning the user that the file will get overwritten :param omit_time_frames_if_not_set: If no time frame is specified for a dimension_group field, omit the time_frames parameter. If timeframes is not included every timeframe option will be added to the dimension group. :type indent_spaces: int :type newline_between_items: bool :type omit_default_field_type: bool :type warning_header_comment: string :type omit_time_frames_if_not_set: bool """ def __init__(self, indent_spaces=2, newline_between_items=True, omit_default_field_type=True, view_fields_alphabetical=True, warning_header_comment=DEFAULT_WARNING_HEADER_COMMENT, omit_time_frames_if_not_set=False): self.indent_spaces = indent_spaces self.newline_between_items = newline_between_items self.omit_default_field_type = omit_default_field_type self.warning_header_comment = warning_header_comment self.view_fields_alphabetical = view_fields_alphabetical self.omit_time_frames_if_not_set = omit_time_frames_if_not_set
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BaseGenerator: """ Abstract base class for any subclass that generates LookML :param file: File handle of a file open for writing or a StringIO object :param format_options: Formatting options to use during generation :type file: File handle or StringIO object :type format_options: :class:`~lookmlgen.base_generator.GeneratorFormatOptions` """ def __init__(self, file=None, format_options=GeneratorFormatOptions()): self.file = file self.format_options = format_options
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def generate_lookml(self, file=None, format_options=None): """ Implement this method in subclasses to generate LookML :param file: File handle of a file open for writing or a StringIO object :param format_options: Formatting options to use during generation :type file: File handle or StringIO object :type format_options: :class:`~lookmlgen.base_generator.GeneratorFormatOptions` """ raise NotImplementedError( 'You must implement the generate_lookml() method')
@classmethod def __subclasshook__(cls, C): if cls is BaseGenerator: if any("generate_lookml" in B.__dict__ for B in C.__mro__): return True return NotImplemented