Source code for lookmlgen.field

    File name:
    Author: joeschmid
    Date created: 4/9/17
import json

from .base_generator import BaseGenerator

DEFAULT_TYPE = 'string'

[docs]class FieldType(object): """Enum-style class used to specify known Field types""" DIMENSION, DIMENSION_GROUP, FILTER, MEASURE = range(1, 5)
[docs] @classmethod def type_name(cls, type_id): if type_id == cls.DIMENSION: return 'dimension' elif type_id == cls.DIMENSION_GROUP: return 'dimension_group' elif type_id == cls.FILTER: return 'filter' elif type_id == cls.MEASURE: return 'measure' else: raise ValueError('Type {} is not a valid FieldType'. format(type_id))
[docs]class Field(BaseGenerator): """Base class used to generate fields within a :class:`~lookmlgen.view.View` :param field_type: Name of the view :param name: Name of the field :param type: Type of the field contents, e.g. string, number, etc. :param label: Label to use when displaying the field :param sql: SQL snippet for the field :param hidden: Flag to designate the field as hidden :param file: File handle of a file open for writing or a StringIO object :param group_label: Group label to use for grouping the field :param description: Field description that is show if a user hovers over the help link in the field picker :type field_type: a class variable from :class:`FieldType` :type name: string :type type: string :type label: string :type sql: string :type hidden: bool :type file: File handle or StringIO object :type group_label: string :type description: string """ def __init__(self, field_type, name, type=DEFAULT_TYPE, label=None, sql=None, hidden=None, file=None, group_label=None, description=None, **kwargs): super(Field, self).__init__(file=file) self.field_type = field_type self.type_name = FieldType.type_name(field_type) = name self.type = type self.label = label self.group_label = group_label self.sql = sql if sql else '${TABLE}.%s' % name self.hidden = hidden self.description = description
[docs] def generate_lookml(self, file=None, format_options=None): """ Writes LookML for a field to a file or StringIO buffer. :param file: File handle of a file open for writing or a StringIO object :param format_options: Formatting options to use during generation :type file: File handle or StringIO object :type format_options: :class:`~lookmlgen.base_generator.GeneratorFormatOptions` """ f = file if file else self.file fo = format_options if format_options else self.format_options f.write('{indent}{self.type_name}: {} {{\n'. format(indent=' ' * fo.indent_spaces, self=self)) if self.hidden: f.write('{indent}hidden: yes\n'. format(indent=' ' * 2 * fo.indent_spaces)) if self.label: f.write('{indent}label: "{self.label}"\n'. format(indent=' ' * 2 * fo.indent_spaces, self=self)) if self.group_label: f.write('{indent}group_label: "{self.group_label}"\n'. format(indent=' ' * 2 * fo.indent_spaces, self=self)) if self.description: f.write('{indent}description: "{self.description}"\n'. format(indent=' ' * 2 * fo.indent_spaces, self=self)) if self.type and not (fo.omit_default_field_type and self.type == DEFAULT_TYPE): f.write('{indent}type: {self.type}\n'. format(indent=' ' * 2 * fo.indent_spaces, self=self)) self._generate(f, fo) if self.sql: f.write('{indent}sql: {self.sql} ;;\n'. format(indent=' ' * 2 * fo.indent_spaces, self=self)) f.write('{indent}}}\n'.format(indent=' ' * fo.indent_spaces)) return
def _generate(self, f, fo): return
[docs]class Dimension(Field): """Generates LookML for a dimension field in a :class:`~lookmlgen.view.View` :param name: Name of the dimension :param primary_key: Flag to designate the field as a primary key :type name: string :type primary_key: bool """ def __init__(self, name, primary_key=None, **kwargs): super(Dimension, self).__init__(FieldType.DIMENSION, name, **kwargs) self.primary_key = primary_key def _generate(self, f, fo): if self.primary_key: f.write('{indent}primary_key: yes\n'. format(indent=' ' * 2 * fo.indent_spaces))
[docs]class DimensionGroup(Field): """Generates LookML for a dimension_group field in a :class:`~lookmlgen.view.View` :param name: Name of the dimension group :param timeframes: Timeframes for the group :param datatype: Datatype for the group, defaults to 'datetime' :type name: string :type timeframes: list of strings :type datatype: string """ def __init__(self, name, timeframes=None, datatype='datetime', **kwargs): super(DimensionGroup, self).__init__(FieldType.DIMENSION_GROUP, name, type='time', **kwargs) self.timeframes = timeframes self.datatype = datatype def _generate(self, f, fo): if not self.timeframes and not fo.omit_time_frames_if_not_set: self.timeframes = ['time', 'date', 'week', 'month'] if self.timeframes: f.write('{indent}timeframes: {timeframes}\n'. format(indent=' ' * 2 * fo.indent_spaces, timeframes=json.dumps(self.timeframes).replace('"', ''))) if self.datatype: f.write('{indent}datatype: {self.datatype}\n'. format(indent=' ' * 2 * fo.indent_spaces, self=self))
[docs]class Measure(Field): """Generates LookML for a measure field in a :class:`~lookmlgen.view.View` :param name: Name of the measure :type name: string """ def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): super(Measure, self).__init__(FieldType.MEASURE, name, **kwargs)
[docs]class Filter(Field): """Generates LookML for a filter field in a :class:`~lookmlgen.view.View` :param name: Name of the filter :type name: string """ def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): super(Filter, self).__init__(FieldType.FILTER, name, **kwargs)